วันศุกร์ที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554


The lecture states that earthworms cause a significant problem to the ecosystem of the forests by destroying solid cover. This definitely make an adverse impact on native plants and destroys animals' habitat. This point contradicts with the point in the reading that earthworms are beneficial to solid and forest as a whole.

In the lecture, the professor cites evidence about the damage caused by earthworms in the lake shore in Menizota. This research was carried out by an ecologist. She notice that duff in this area disappeared together with wildlife flower flower. This resulted from the fact that earthworms ate up duff, and they left not enough nutrients for plants to grow. This observation contradict the idea in the reading passage that earthworms not only help decompose compost pile and produce fertilizer, but also bring duff deeply into the soil.

Beside, the study also shows that earthworms destroy animals habitat. As many kinds of animals live in duff, they also disappear when duff is destroyed, including larger animals that feed on them. This contradicts with the notion in the reading passage that earthworms are beneficial to various kinds of animals in the forest because it is an important link in the food web


